The LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) compatible with Hitachi HD44780 driver, comes in different flavors

  • 16 columns and 2 rows
  • 20 columns and 4 rows
  • No backlight
  • Backlight
  • I2c or SPI interface (not part of this tutorial)
Any 5 volt device with at least 6 gpios can control such an LCD.

The Nusbio device supports such an LCD via the class LiquidCrystal, which is a port of the C++ Liquid Crystal library for the Arduino to C# (Programming sample in C#).

Where to buy one ? Amazon.

Breadboarding: LCD with no backlight

  • I am using a 1k Resistors to control the intensity of black and green LCD backlight
  • If you want to control the intensity of the characters wire a potentiometer like this Arduino + LCD

Breadboarding: LCD with backlight

  • I am using a 4.7k Resistors to control the intensity
  • If you want to control the intensity of the characters wire a potentiometer like this Arduino+Cld

6 Gpios that is too many!

To avoid using 6 gpios or more, we can add an gpio expander. See our gpio expander tutorial.